DOW CHEMICAL CO /DE/ at 2023-03-31

Filling information for DOW CHEMICAL CO /DE/ as Treemap, investor disclosed 6 total holdings based on 2023-03-31 SEC fillings. A list of the exposed holdings

Product name

Product description

Changed holding value / amount

Total Holding Value, based on SEC fillings over time
CUSIP Symbol Name Title Of Class Value in 1000's Amount
464287234 464287234 ISHARES TR MSCI EMG MKT ETF 125081729 3169836
464287184 464287184 ISHARES TR CHINA LG-CAP ETF 29530000 1000000
46138E354 46138E354 INVESCO EXCH TRADED FD TR II S&P500 LOW VOL 350175134 5611781
464287226 464287226 ISHARES TR CORE US AGGBD ET 1585472 15912
464286400 464286400 ISHARES INC MSCI BRAZIL ETF 41070000 1500000
12468P104 12468P104 C3 AI INC CL A 12357050 368098

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