PPSC Investment Service Corp at 2023-09-30

Filling information for PPSC Investment Service Corp as Treemap, investor disclosed 4 total holdings based on 2023-09-30 SEC fillings. A list of the exposed holdings

Product name

Product description

Changed holding value / amount

Total Holding Value, based on SEC fillings over time
CUSIP Symbol Name Title Of Class Value in 1000's Amount
25459W862 25459W862 DIREXION SHS ETF TR DRX S&P500BULL 196860680 2517400
46090E103 46090E103 INVESCO QQQ TR UNIT SER 1 79822556 222800
78463V107 78463V107 SPDR GOLD TR GOLD SHS 45005625 262500
78462F103 78462F103 SPDR S&P 500 ETF TR TR UNIT 105373820 246500

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