1888 Investments, LLC at 2023-09-30

Filling information for 1888 Investments, LLC as Treemap, investor disclosed 3 total holdings based on 2023-09-30 SEC fillings. A list of the exposed holdings

Product name

Product description

Changed holding value / amount

Total Holding Value, based on SEC fillings over time
CUSIP Symbol Name Title Of Class Value in 1000's Amount
131193104 131193104 TOPGOLF CALLAWAY BRANDS CORP COM 2664255 192504
81578P106 81578P106 SEER INC COM CL A 793706 359143
09581B103 09581B103 BLUE OWL CAPITAL INC COM CL A 74304112 5733342

1888 Investments, LLC on Holdings Channel

1888 Investments, LLC on whalewisdom